Process simulation has become an indispensable tool in PCC's process development and improvement. Using solidification modeling tools, PCC Structurals significantly reduces development cost and time for new programs.

Each PCC Structurals plant has at least one modeler trained to use ProCast as a major simulation tool.

Modelers are able to predict defects related to thermal, flow and stress and are able to iterate computer-based solutions prior to physical trials. Their process simulation work is supported by the Simulation Center located at PCC Structurals Division Headquarters.

The Simulation Center

Utilizes a set of Autodesk Simulation software packages in addition to ProCast.

Autodesk Moldflow

Has been applied widely to the wax injection process helping to improve the wax pattern quality and eliminate scraps. Autodesk Simulation CFD is employed generally for gas flow related issues such as argon cooling inside the titanium casting furnace.

Autodesk Simulation Multiphysics

Used to simulate stress related issues like pattern breakage during investment or introduced by load, motion, thermal, flow and other factors.